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A Gab and C Fae
A.K.A. Cherry Pi

Saturday, June 26, 2010


My BFFL A Gab fixed my iPood! Yaaayyy!!!!

C Fae
A.K.A. Cherry Pi

Monday, June 7, 2010


Here we are again, at that long awaited time of year for adults and children alike. It's summer! What does that mean? Well, if you want to get technical, the definition provided by dictionary.com (what would we do with out it?) is "the season between spring and autumn, in the Northern Hemisphere from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox, and in the Southern Hemisphere from the winter solstice to the vernal equinox; a period of hot, usually sunny weather". My personal definition of summer is "joy". I mean really, how can you not love it? No school, no homework, no mean teachers telling you what to do for seven out of the twelve hours in your day, nobody to say "Aren't you supposed to be doing your assignment?. It's simply great. That is, during the first few days....after that, you start to get so bored of the free time and the nothingness. And then by late June, the sun comes out and it hits 90-100 degrees. So, here's some ideas of what to do to beat the heat AND the boredom...

  • Go swimming; If you have your own pool, then that's easy. If not, head to a community pool or water park, and if even that doesn't work then set up a sprinkler or hose and invite friends to cool down with you.
  • Watch movies; Pick out some movies that you have been wanting to see, but just haven't gotten around to it. Or go to the movie theater with friends and see something more recent.
  • Read; Anyone can do it! Just pick up a good book from your home or your local library. The best part about the library is you can check out books for FREE! And if you don't have a library card then you can sign up for one, which, at my local library, only costs 75 cents. 
  • Have a lemonade stand; As 5-year-old-ish as it sounds, make some lemonade and set up a stand near your home. You can even sell popsicles too to help cool everyone off. 
  • Go to a theme park; Set up a day to go with your friends or family to your favorite theme park, such as Great America or Six Flags. This option can be a little pricey, but you will be fine if you save up all the money from your lemonade stand :)
  • Read Adventures In Pi; I mean, come on people, it's a seriously awesome blog!!!
However, you choose to beat the heat, enjoy your summer, because before you know it, it will be August/September and all you'll have to look forward to is piles of homework and Summer 2011.

A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pi

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

School's Out! (almost)

I have had a fantastic week! School is almost out, and so my photographic nature has caused me to take pictures non-stop lately! I even told C Fae today that throughout the school day, I would randomly take out my camera and take pictures of us. She got super annoyed eventually, but hey, I got some pretty cool pictures. The first one is the famous shadow picture; gotta love it! Then, there's me and C Fae playing a game during our field day. You have to use a sponge, fill it with water, run to your bucket, squeeze out the sponge and run back. Whoever fills up their bucket first, wins. I won, just by the way, but C Fae beat me the second time we played. Next, there's C Fae and I posing for a picture during said field day. FUN! The last one is one of those random pics that I mentioned earlier. We were walking in the hall and suddenly I grab out my camera and yell "Photo Op!". Hope you enjoy your summer and keep on reading Adventures In Pi!
A Gab
(A.K.A. Cherry Pi)

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