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A Gab and C Fae
A.K.A. Cherry Pi

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

School's Out! (almost)

I have had a fantastic week! School is almost out, and so my photographic nature has caused me to take pictures non-stop lately! I even told C Fae today that throughout the school day, I would randomly take out my camera and take pictures of us. She got super annoyed eventually, but hey, I got some pretty cool pictures. The first one is the famous shadow picture; gotta love it! Then, there's me and C Fae playing a game during our field day. You have to use a sponge, fill it with water, run to your bucket, squeeze out the sponge and run back. Whoever fills up their bucket first, wins. I won, just by the way, but C Fae beat me the second time we played. Next, there's C Fae and I posing for a picture during said field day. FUN! The last one is one of those random pics that I mentioned earlier. We were walking in the hall and suddenly I grab out my camera and yell "Photo Op!". Hope you enjoy your summer and keep on reading Adventures In Pi!
A Gab
(A.K.A. Cherry Pi)

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  1. Nice photos. I like the shadow pic. the best.

  2. I love C Fae's Wicked shirt. It is wickedly awesome.
