Yesterday I took a field trip for smart people (A.K.A. GATE kids). We went to the California Academy of Sciences in SanFran (Only people from California have permission

to call it "SanFran"; I have decided to make that a new law.) Anyway, C Fae was invited, but she didn't want to go, so I had to go by myself. It was a ton of fun, even though I missed C Fae. So, I'd like to explain the pics which I put up. The first one, my personal favorite, is a picture of an animal called an Indricotherium (in-dric-oh-theer-ee-um). Anybody here watch Cake Boss? Well, they had an episode where Buddy and the team went to the Museum of Natural History to get a preview of a new exhibit called "Extreme Mammals". They ended up having the same exhibit at the Academy, and it was super cool! Anyway, Buddy created an Indricotherium Cake for the exhibit's opening. My friend and I didn't even know about it, and we watched that episode of Cake Boss on my iPod on the bus going to the Academy. We were both really excited when we first saw it! They are my new favorite extinct animals (nothing can replace frogs as my number 1 favorite animal!). Now, here are some fun facts...
*They lived during the Cenozoic Era
*They are FIVE TIMES the size of a rhinocerous!
*They were the largest mammal to ever walk the earth!
Next, there's me with the fake zebras :). I had a super great time! If you'd like to visit the California Academy of Sciences, you'd better go before the closing of the Extreme Mammals exhibit on September 12th. It is found on 55 Music Concourse Drive in San Francisco California
and the phone number is (415) 379 8000.
A Gab (A.K.A. Cherry Pi)
you need to write more posts