Dear A Gab:
Look at this! You see? I am posting. I am not a good blogger. Maybe I should just copy paste Facebook posts? Anyway. In swimming yesterday I mastered this one turn. Be proud. Hmmm what else happened? I went 30 min overtime in piano practice today because I couldn't get this one measure and it was bugging the you-know-what out of me and I wanted to improve myself deeply before the start of eighth grade. It really bugged that the teacher was not leaving because I wanted to work on my piano skills. You know what? I don't know why I did that. So. The end.
C Fae
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
P.S. Did you notice how the teachers aren't putting ANY stress on 4th quarter finals? This also bugs the you-know-what out of me. Those double crossing teachers.
OK, good job. You posted. Like I said, baby steps. Now you just need to learn how to spell our names properly with correct spacing. EXAMPLE: C Fae EXAMPLE 2: A Gab
ReplyDeleteOK, I edited your spacing mistakes and now your post is beautiful. congratulations! P.S. I took off the label because people who read this aren't technically supposed to know our names, hence C Fae/A Gab
ReplyDeletewow. no wonder you havent updated in a while. your life is boaring! hehehe!