At some time or another, we've all heard the phrase "Treat others the way you want to be treated". Some people choose to take it seriously, and others just brush it off. Well, today at school, we had an assembly called "Rachel's Challenge". Rachel's Challenge is an organization that was started by the father of the first victim in the Columbine High School shooting in 1999. Rachel Joy Scott was that victim. She lived a very ambitious life, and somehow knew that someday she would be an inspiration to many people. She was the definition of treating others the way you want to be treated.
Now, the organization has grown, and they give presentations to schools across the globe. The goal from Rachel's Challenge is to change how people treat each other, and realizing that a little kindness goes a long way. So today, you can choose to view this post as preachy, or take it to heart, and do something simply kind. You don't have to donate your life savings to charity, or anything like that. Any small random act of kindness will make a difference. Hold open a door for someone, or thank someone that you know who works very hard.
Rachel Joy Scott said, "If one person can go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a chain reaction of the same. People will never know how far a little kindness can go." If you want to know more about the challenge, and how you can learn to live it, click the link to the right --> Rachel's Challenge
A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
Welcome to Adventures In Pi!
We hope you enjoy our blog! Read our updates which come along daily, weekly, or whenever the heck we feel like updating! :)
A Gab and C Fae
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
A Gab and C Fae
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
A Gab's Summer

The first endeavor that was taken on this summer was Father's Day. The picture on the right shows my dad next to my grandpa (sorry it's upside down, I'm not sure how to rotate it.). We went out to a nice brunch in which I absolutely stuffed myself with food. What can I say? There were so many choices! For those of you who only appreciate the commercialized aspect of Father's Day, and are wondering what I got my dad, I made him a very special present. Using the Weebly website creator, I made him his own website, which you can visit at

A few weeks after Father's Day, we somehow managed to coordinate a get-together with all the grandparents. This wasn't so easy, considering one pair lives an hour away and one pair lives a good eleven hours away (and they DROVE all the way out to see us!). We had a nice dinner and then turned on the lovely self-timer function on my camera, and managed to get this awesome picture.
While the folks were in town, my mom decided to drag us all along to the Impressionist exhibit in San Fran. Not that I don't love art and everything, but when your whole family is literally examining the painting for 5 minutes

Later, our parents departed to Nicargua for a wedding leaving us at home. But they didn't leave us alone, we had the TV, the remote, and a bucket load of junk food...oh yeah, and our neighbors to keep an eye on us. Just kidding...some family friends of ours decided to take on the Hurricane Ghiozzi (Children, that is). They took us up to Tahoe, where we spent our Fourth of July. If you are wondering about my sister's new gangster look in that picture, she got a new hat while we were on vacation and she barely ever took it off. Next thing you know, she's gonna be wearing her pants on the ground. Anyway, we had a blast, enjoying fireworks with our best friends in the world and their cousins.

Finally, the last picture on the right shows what to me should be considered a relic. It is my ticket to the concert put on by my favorite band, Sugarland. I absolutely love their music!! I even got a t-shirt from the concert. I wish I could wear it every day of my life, but I have a feeling that I would not have very many friends if I wore the same shirt every day without washing it...
So, all in all, short as it may be, summer has been great. Maybe next year, the school board will realize that fifty three days of summer is no where near enough. Until then, I have 8th grade to look forward to.
A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
Saturday, June 26, 2010
My BFFL A Gab fixed my iPood! Yaaayyy!!!!
C Fae
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
C Fae
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
Monday, June 7, 2010
Here we are again, at that long awaited time of year for adults and children alike. It's summer! What does that mean? Well, if you want to get technical, the definition provided by (what would we do with out it?) is "the season between spring and autumn, in the Northern Hemisphere from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox, and in the Southern Hemisphere from the winter solstice to the vernal equinox; a period of hot, usually sunny weather". My personal definition of summer is "joy". I mean really, how can you not love it? No school, no homework, no mean teachers telling you what to do for seven out of the twelve hours in your day, nobody to say "Aren't you supposed to be doing your assignment?. It's simply great. That is, during the first few days....after that, you start to get so bored of the free time and the nothingness. And then by late June, the sun comes out and it hits 90-100 degrees. So, here's some ideas of what to do to beat the heat AND the boredom...
A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
- Go swimming; If you have your own pool, then that's easy. If not, head to a community pool or water park, and if even that doesn't work then set up a sprinkler or hose and invite friends to cool down with you.
- Watch movies; Pick out some movies that you have been wanting to see, but just haven't gotten around to it. Or go to the movie theater with friends and see something more recent.
- Read; Anyone can do it! Just pick up a good book from your home or your local library. The best part about the library is you can check out books for FREE! And if you don't have a library card then you can sign up for one, which, at my local library, only costs 75 cents.
- Have a lemonade stand; As 5-year-old-ish as it sounds, make some lemonade and set up a stand near your home. You can even sell popsicles too to help cool everyone off.
- Go to a theme park; Set up a day to go with your friends or family to your favorite theme park, such as Great America or Six Flags. This option can be a little pricey, but you will be fine if you save up all the money from your lemonade stand :)
- Read Adventures In Pi; I mean, come on people, it's a seriously awesome blog!!!
A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
School's Out! (almost)
I have had a fantastic week! School is almost out, and so my photographic nature has caused me to take pictures non-stop lately! I even told C Fae today that throughout the school day, I would randomly take out my camera and take pictures of us. She got super annoyed eventually, but hey, I got some pretty cool pictures. The first one is the famous shadow picture; gotta love it! Then, there's me and C Fae playing a game during our field day. You have to use a sponge, fill it with water, run to your bucket, squeeze out the sponge and run back. Whoever fills up their bucket first, wins. I won, just by the way, but C Fae beat me the second time we played. Next, there's C Fae and I posing for a picture during said field day. FUN! The last one is one of those random pics that I mentioned earlier. We were walking in the hall and suddenly I grab out my camera and yell "Photo Op!". Hope you enjoy your summer and keep on reading Adventures In Pi!
A Gab
(A.K.A. Cherry Pi)
A Gab
(A.K.A. Cherry Pi)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Message to the Mother Hen
Dear A Gab:
Look at this! You see? I am posting. I am not a good blogger. Maybe I should just copy paste Facebook posts? Anyway. In swimming yesterday I mastered this one turn. Be proud. Hmmm what else happened? I went 30 min overtime in piano practice today because I couldn't get this one measure and it was bugging the you-know-what out of me and I wanted to improve myself deeply before the start of eighth grade. It really bugged that the teacher was not leaving because I wanted to work on my piano skills. You know what? I don't know why I did that. So. The end.
C Fae
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
P.S. Did you notice how the teachers aren't putting ANY stress on 4th quarter finals? This also bugs the you-know-what out of me. Those double crossing teachers.
Look at this! You see? I am posting. I am not a good blogger. Maybe I should just copy paste Facebook posts? Anyway. In swimming yesterday I mastered this one turn. Be proud. Hmmm what else happened? I went 30 min overtime in piano practice today because I couldn't get this one measure and it was bugging the you-know-what out of me and I wanted to improve myself deeply before the start of eighth grade. It really bugged that the teacher was not leaving because I wanted to work on my piano skills. You know what? I don't know why I did that. So. The end.
C Fae
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
P.S. Did you notice how the teachers aren't putting ANY stress on 4th quarter finals? This also bugs the you-know-what out of me. Those double crossing teachers.
Come On C Fae!!!
I don't know what it is with C Fae, but she hasn't posted on this blog in a VERY long time. Let me rephrase that-she has NEVER posted on this blog EVER! I have tried everything to get her to come back and post, but it hasn't worked. So now, I want all of you who read this to copy and paste the following text into an email and send it to!!! Here is the text...
Dear C Fae,
A Gab is very ashamed of you because you never post on the best blog on the internet, Adventures In Pi. A Gab works very hard to maintain this fantastically amazing blog and she wants you to help. Please, for the sake of your readers, continue to post on the super coolio blog, Adventures In Pi. Thank you.
[Insert Blog Reader's Name Here]
Maybe, this will help C Fae to get the message. Thank you for your efforts.
A Gab
(A.K.A. Cherry Pi)
Dear C Fae,
A Gab is very ashamed of you because you never post on the best blog on the internet, Adventures In Pi. A Gab works very hard to maintain this fantastically amazing blog and she wants you to help. Please, for the sake of your readers, continue to post on the super coolio blog, Adventures In Pi. Thank you.
[Insert Blog Reader's Name Here]
Maybe, this will help C Fae to get the message. Thank you for your efforts.
A Gab
(A.K.A. Cherry Pi)
Friday, May 21, 2010
WEB Success!!! :)
Happiness and joy are in the air, for C Fae and I have made it into our school's WEB program for next year! I absolutely can't wait! In case you were wondering, WEB (which stands for Where Everybody Belongs) is a program for 8th graders at our school. It's sort of like leadership, but a little different. The WEB program helps to put on the dances, organizes activities throughout the year, and most of all, organizes the 6th grade orientation. We get to help the new, helpless, defenseless 6th graders! I have been waiting since the first day of 6th grade to become a WEB leader. Congrats to all readers who made it too, and for those who didn't, don't sweat it. It won't be the end of the world, and has nothing to do with you, personally.
For once in my life, I can't wait for summer to end so I can start my year as a WEB leader!!! :)
A Gab
(A.K.A. Cherry Pi)
P.S. C Fae and I are also happy about making it into geometry, and since there is only one class, we will be in math together!!!
For once in my life, I can't wait for summer to end so I can start my year as a WEB leader!!! :)
A Gab
(A.K.A. Cherry Pi)
P.S. C Fae and I are also happy about making it into geometry, and since there is only one class, we will be in math together!!!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Howdy everybody. It's A Gab. I am currently in a bad mood. Hard to believe I was in one of the most fantastic moods of my life earlier. Anyway, I just got this stupid dumb wart frozen off of my foot...AGAIN! I would post pictures, but I have a feeling we would have a lot less readers if I did that so, I decided against it. Ok, I just want to warn you, if you are easily disgusted, stop reading now. For those who aren't, you get to learn how a wart is removed from your foot. First, the podiatrist takes a knife and begins scraping away at the skin covering the wart. Oh, but that's not all! Next he takes out his fancy little sprayer thing, and sprays your foot with -200 degrees of liquid nitrogen! Finally, you cannot walk properly after. Pleasant, isn't it? :) Also, C Fae said she would post, but I'm sure you have noticed that that has not happened. I obviously cannot convince her, so why don't you try? Send us an email at!!! Come on people, do it for C Fae!
A Gab
(A.K.A. Cherry Pi)
A Gab
(A.K.A. Cherry Pi)
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Cal Academy of Sciences
Yesterday I took a field trip for smart people (A.K.A. GATE kids). We went to the California Academy of Sciences in SanFran (Only people from California have permission
to call it "SanFran"; I have decided to make that a new law.) Anyway, C Fae was invited, but she didn't want to go, so I had to go by myself. It was a ton of fun, even though I missed C Fae. So, I'd like to explain the pics which I put up. The first one, my personal favorite, is a picture of an animal called an Indricotherium (in-dric-oh-theer-ee-um). Anybody here watch Cake Boss? Well, they had an episode where Buddy and the team went to the Museum of Natural History to get a preview of a new exhibit called "Extreme Mammals". They ended up having the same exhibit at the Academy, and it was super cool! Anyway, Buddy created an Indricotherium Cake for the exhibit's opening. My friend and I didn't even know about it, and we watched that episode of Cake Boss on my iPod on the bus going to the Academy. We were both really excited when we first saw it! They are my new favorite extinct animals (nothing can replace frogs as my number 1 favorite animal!). Now, here are some fun facts...
*They lived during the Cenozoic Era
*They are FIVE TIMES the size of a rhinocerous!
*They were the largest mammal to ever walk the earth!
Next, there's me with the fake zebras :). I had a super great time! If you'd like to visit the California Academy of Sciences, you'd better go before the closing of the Extreme Mammals exhibit on September 12th. It is found on 55 Music Concourse Drive in San Francisco California and the phone number is (415) 379 8000.
A Gab (A.K.A. Cherry Pi)

*They lived during the Cenozoic Era
*They are FIVE TIMES the size of a rhinocerous!
*They were the largest mammal to ever walk the earth!
Next, there's me with the fake zebras :). I had a super great time! If you'd like to visit the California Academy of Sciences, you'd better go before the closing of the Extreme Mammals exhibit on September 12th. It is found on 55 Music Concourse Drive in San Francisco California and the phone number is (415) 379 8000.
A Gab (A.K.A. Cherry Pi)

Saturday, April 3, 2010
Your Questions Answered
You all have been reading our blog for a while now. I'm sure that during this time you have been wanting to get to know us a little better. Well now, welcome to a special blog post known as "Your Questions Answered"! I will now choose a volunteer to ask a question. Oh, how about you in the striped shirt? Ok, what question would you like to ask Mr. Striped Shirt? "Well, I was actually wondering what you and C Fae looked like. That is a very good question. If you look above you will see a picture of C Fae and I (A Gab, of course). As you can see, I am on the left and C Fae is on the right. Ok thank you Mr. Striped Shirt, now I need another volunteer. What about you, Ms. Mickey Mouse Baseball Cap? What is your question? "I wanted to know what some of your hobbies are." Another great question...well, my main hobby is gymnastics and I would say C Fae's is definetely reading. You know, she can read a book a day? Thank you Ms. Mickey Mouse Baseball Cap, *ding ding* Oh! That sound means that we are out of time! This is A Gab signing off for "Your Questions Answered"! I'll see you all next time!
A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Happy April Fool's Day 2010
Well, the time has come again for one of the most fun holidays of the year! April Fool's Day is here. Before I give you some prank ideas, I would just like to brush you all up on the history of the holiday. It all began in 1582 when the pope ordered that a new calendar be established. He replaced the Julian Calendar with a new one known as the Gregorian Calendar. After changing the name of the calendar, he also changed the date of New Year's Day which was previously on April 1st. Many people were happy to celebrate the holiday on a new date of January 1st. But others were upset and continued to celebrate on April 1st. So of course, people began to make fun of these individuals and call them "traditionalists". Hence, they began playing practical jokes on them and what not. This is how the holiday came about.
Anyway, if you need some prank ideas, I have a few traditional ones that will keep the victim on their feet.
1. Go to the following link:
This is a great site that lets you send fake, anonymous emails to your friends and family. You simply type in the recipient's email address and create a fake email address (such as or something like that) and type away!!! Great fun!
2. Although it's cliched, it still never gets old...why not super glue a coin to the floor somewhere? Someone will surely try to pick it up and you will practically pee yourself laughing watching them struggle.
3. I actually used this prank once and it worked out very well and was absolutely hilarious...for anyone in your family who drinks coffee, replace all the sugar in the sugar bowl with salt. This will leave your coffee drinker in for a surprise! I used this one on my dad and it was so disgusting that he spit out his coffee into the sink! Awesome prank.
4. Easy, fun and hilarious...sneak into a victim's room and toggle with any clock or alarm clock they have. You could set the clock forward or back a few hours and whomever you prank will wake up a bit confused. Or set an extra early alarm and hide the clock...the victim will go nuts!!!
5. Easy to do if you have the right materials...Take some wax paper and poor glue all over it. Peel the glue off the wax paper when it is dry. Place the glue next a cup which is knocked over. Instant fake mess!!!
Hope these jokes help! Post comments with results! Also, take caution tomorrow, you never know who'll prank you. Happy April Fool's Day!
A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
Anyway, if you need some prank ideas, I have a few traditional ones that will keep the victim on their feet.
1. Go to the following link:
This is a great site that lets you send fake, anonymous emails to your friends and family. You simply type in the recipient's email address and create a fake email address (such as or something like that) and type away!!! Great fun!
2. Although it's cliched, it still never gets old...why not super glue a coin to the floor somewhere? Someone will surely try to pick it up and you will practically pee yourself laughing watching them struggle.
3. I actually used this prank once and it worked out very well and was absolutely hilarious...for anyone in your family who drinks coffee, replace all the sugar in the sugar bowl with salt. This will leave your coffee drinker in for a surprise! I used this one on my dad and it was so disgusting that he spit out his coffee into the sink! Awesome prank.
4. Easy, fun and hilarious...sneak into a victim's room and toggle with any clock or alarm clock they have. You could set the clock forward or back a few hours and whomever you prank will wake up a bit confused. Or set an extra early alarm and hide the clock...the victim will go nuts!!!
5. Easy to do if you have the right materials...Take some wax paper and poor glue all over it. Peel the glue off the wax paper when it is dry. Place the glue next a cup which is knocked over. Instant fake mess!!!
Hope these jokes help! Post comments with results! Also, take caution tomorrow, you never know who'll prank you. Happy April Fool's Day!
A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Good News!
Good news has come! C Fae has a very undecided mind. Anyway, she told me today that she is not officially quitting *claps and cheers*! She said she will post when she wants to. Well, that's about it for today. If you want to tell C Fae "thanks for coming back" or something like that or you are still angry about her quitting in the first place, send us a shout at!
A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Possible Reasons C Fae Quit
Well, as I mentioned in my last post, C Fae has quit our blog. I have no idea why, so I decided to make a list of 10 possible reasons why C Fae would quit...
10. She drowned in a pool of pudding.
9. She was being held captive by aliens and her last words over texting were "I can't do this anymore. I quit our blog."
8. Being a famous blogger on the internet stressed her out.
7. Her computer exploded because she spilled orange juice on it, so now she has no way of blogging.
6. She has "bigger and better things" to do with her life.
5. She became a championship level luge player and does not have time to blog with me.
4. She's in the process of getting a reality show made about her life, so her time is becoming to limited to blog.
3. She's using her time on her other blog, Crystal Claire.
2. She is working on engineering the next iPod.
1. She is lazy and is not good with commitment.
If you want to talk to C Fae, or yell at her in all caps about quitting, feel free to send us a shout at
A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
10. She drowned in a pool of pudding.
9. She was being held captive by aliens and her last words over texting were "I can't do this anymore. I quit our blog."
8. Being a famous blogger on the internet stressed her out.
7. Her computer exploded because she spilled orange juice on it, so now she has no way of blogging.
6. She has "bigger and better things" to do with her life.
5. She became a championship level luge player and does not have time to blog with me.
4. She's in the process of getting a reality show made about her life, so her time is becoming to limited to blog.
3. She's using her time on her other blog, Crystal Claire.
2. She is working on engineering the next iPod.
1. She is lazy and is not good with commitment.
If you want to talk to C Fae, or yell at her in all caps about quitting, feel free to send us a shout at
A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Goodbye from C Fae
Hey everyone, A Gab here. I wanted to let you all (all five of you) know, well...I have some bad news. C Fae is quitting. Yep, you heard me. From now on this blog is officially owned and written by A Gab...and not C Fae. Why is she quitting? Ya, I don't know, ask her. We will all miss her *sob sob*....well, goodbye, for now.
A Gab...And Just A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pie
A Gab...And Just A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pie
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Here Goes Nothing...
Alright, so we told you guys that we would stop talking about math and start talking about our lives. So, yesterday I (A Gab) went to see Wicked, which I have been anticipating seeing for about a year now. IT WAS SO GOOD! If you have not seen it then you need to stop reading this post right now and go buy yourself a ticket! I'll wait for you.
*Hums Jeopardy song while you are buying tickets to Wicked*
Are you done yet? No? Ok...
*Hums Jeopardy song again*
Ok, by now you should be done. Anyway, I may not be a critic and this blog may not be about reviewing plays, but here is my review...
Ok, bye now.
C Fae and A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
*Hums Jeopardy song while you are buying tickets to Wicked*
Are you done yet? No? Ok...
*Hums Jeopardy song again*
Ok, by now you should be done. Anyway, I may not be a critic and this blog may not be about reviewing plays, but here is my review...
Ok, bye now.
C Fae and A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
We Have a Debacle
Ok, here's the debacle...math is great and all, but we have run out of math-related things to talk about. If we keep posting about math, I have a feeling our readers will be very bored very fast. So, we are making a team decision to *DRUM ROLL PLEASE* talk about other things besides math. From now on, we will most likely post about our lives and what not (is "what not" one word or two?). Anyway, to conclude, the next time you hear from us, you will be discovering more about our personal lives, than math. Well, that about wraps it up. Peace out!
C Fae and A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
C Fae and A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Let's Talk Math
Math...It's a wonderful thing, but it was so much better before it had letters in it. I mean, come on, letters are for language arts, not math.
I would now like to tell a story. Today in algebra, we were learning about parabolas. We had a worksheet for homework in which we used equations (i.e. y=x^2+7) to graph parabolas. I looked at them and couldn't help to notice that they looked like little smiles and all they needed to look like a face were eyes. Although you may not know me well, you will quickly learn that I like to make things exciting. So, I went ahead and drew eyes on all of them. My teacher, not only accepted this homework, but complimented me on my creativity. Next time you need to make math exciting, now you know what to do.
C Fae and A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
I would now like to tell a story. Today in algebra, we were learning about parabolas. We had a worksheet for homework in which we used equations (i.e. y=x^2+7) to graph parabolas. I looked at them and couldn't help to notice that they looked like little smiles and all they needed to look like a face were eyes. Although you may not know me well, you will quickly learn that I like to make things exciting. So, I went ahead and drew eyes on all of them. My teacher, not only accepted this homework, but complimented me on my creativity. Next time you need to make math exciting, now you know what to do.
C Fae and A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Hi from C Fae and A Gab
Welcome to our blog. This is an experimental post...if we get followers, it has succeeded! If not then it is all your fault, yeah, I'm talking to you! The fans! This is the closest we will ever get to a talk show, so we are gonna make it worth it.
About Us: We are two of the finest algebra geeks you will ever find. From pi to parabolas...give us any problem and we will solve it right before your very eyes! Like magic (kinda)!
C Fae and A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
About Us: We are two of the finest algebra geeks you will ever find. From pi to parabolas...give us any problem and we will solve it right before your very eyes! Like magic (kinda)!
C Fae and A Gab
A.K.A. Cherry Pi
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